News & Articles By David Williams
By David Williams
New kind of drones designed to plant up to 100,000 trees per day
Drone technology has been surprisingly useful for many kinds of recreational purposes. But one Australian engineer has begun to unlock its potential to serve as an industrial-scale solution for the problem of rejuvenating and preserving the environment. Dr. Susan Graham, now a U.K.-based professional, has developed a type of drone that could plant up to […]
By David Williams
Researchers develop tiny robot that moves like caterpillars and jellyfish, could be used for medical treatment inside the human body
Would you allow your doctor to insert a tiny robot into your body if it meant curing you of one or more of your illnesses? That’s the promise of a newly-developed nanobot made by a group of researchers led by Metin Sitti, the head of the physical intelligence department at the Max Planck Institute for […]
By David Williams
“Gaydar” legitimized: A.I. technology identifies individual sexual orientation at an alarmingly successful rate
New use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has enabled a team of researchers to determine the sexual orientation of tens of thousands of individuals with great accuracy. What’s interesting is that they were able to do this based only on profile pictures that the individuals themselves uploaded on an online dating site. This could prove […]
By David Williams
Orwellian “smart” city rolling out in Toronto: Google’s high tech neighborhood will monitor EVERYTHING, raising privacy concerns
Many cities of the future will undoubtedly incorporate surveillance in one way or another. One need only look at modern cities today to see how much data is being collected on its private citizens. But what if a supposedly future city that carried out mass surveillance on its citizens already existed? Indeed it will, and […]
By David Williams
The army is looking to develop a superhuman suit that will prevent brain injuries
The extremely violent yet highly effective battle robots often depicted in many forms of science fiction may be a long way from actual, real-life production, but the U.S. army is looking into far more versatile alternatives. In late December of last year, a post on the official Federal Business Opportunities website called for the submissions regarding […]
By David Williams
Bill Gates: The A.I. revolution may take away everyone’s job, but it’s okay because we’ll have more free time… huh?
A man like Bill Gates has two things first and foremost: money, which he has amassed over the years as a tech industry magnate and now gives away to charity, and ideas which he shares freely with anyone willing to listen. The founder — and former CEO — of Microsoft has now shared his views […]
By David Williams
Study finds Minority Report-style AI used by courts for the last 20 years to predict criminal repeat offenders is no more accurate than untrained people guessing
A new research paper, which studies the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) in determining the likelihood of a convicted felon committing a crime, shows quite clearly that the software-based solutions available might not be so intelligent after all. To be more specific, research shows that dedicated AI programs designed to make certain risk calculations about […]
By David Williams
Black Mirror-style digital afterlife could become real much sooner than you expect, experts say
While it may be impossible to create a fully-working and self-aware digital version of yourself with current technology, you are most likely — and unknowingly — creating all of the necessary ingredients for it simply through the use of your various digital devices. Unless you have very little or no access to phones, computers, and […]
By David Williams
Scientists find way to create working muscles from handful of skin cells in lab setting
Will humans ever be able to regrow limbs and other parts of their body like some animals? The work of one group of researchers now shows that while it’s currently outside the realm of possibility, there’s a very slim chance that it could happen at some point in the future. After years of trying, a […]
By David Williams
A.I. becoming a job threat to radiologists as research shows improved detection rates in X-rays
A new study suggests that it may only be a matter of time until the radiology profession is rendered entirely obsolete. Not by lack of skills or certifications, but by the rise of highly-trained and incredibly accurate artificial intelligence machines. The paper, which was put together by Stanford University researchers and published under the title, […]
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